Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Solar Energy International (SEI) Launches Envision360 Google Cardboard Virtual Reality Project to Highlight Solar Careers

Do you envision a world powered by solar energy? Solar Energy International (SEI) is proud to announce an innovative new project leveraging the Google Cardboard Viewer platform that will give anyone interested in working in the solar industry a new way to experience this exciting career field.

As part of the Solar Ready Colorado initiative, SEI will be launching the Google Cardboard Envision360 project at the Solar Power Colorado Conference and Solar Career Expo on March 12-15.

In addition to having the opportunity to meet with leading solar industry employers from across the State of Colorado, complimentary Google Cardboard Viewers will be given to all registered Career Expo attendees. With these special VR Viewers, attendees will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in a 360 degree virtual reality environment that showcases real world solar energy jobsites and interviews with solar professionals. Registration info: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/colorado-solar-career-expo-registration-30101157372

camera“For the last 6 months, our team has traveled all over the state capturing video with traditional and special VR cameras to capture the sites and sounds of the industry. We had the privilege of interviewing SEI alumni and other solar professionals who are working in the Colorado solar industry who now make up over 6000 Coloradans working towards a common goal of a world powered by solar energy.

We wanted to find a creative way to tell this story and we think this is a great way to get our message out: The solar industry is growing and SEI is here to give you the training you need to be successful!

The SEI Envision360 Google Cardboard project gives us the opportunity to give potential students a glimpse into what it feels like being on a roof, or in a utility scale solar farm, or in a warehouse preparing shipments of solar modules and components for a job site, and many other solar jobs that keep this industry moving forward. We’ve embedded the interviews of solar professionals from all across the Colorado solar industry as a unique way to hear their stories of how they got their start in this industry and give advice to people looking to enter this career”, said SEI’s Director of Marketing, Chris Turek.

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Calling All Contractors and Project Developers: C-PACE Workshop in Delta County

Delta County Contractors and Project Developers will have the opportunity to widen their client base under a new financing mechanism adopted in Delta County, C-PACE (Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy).  Participating contractors must complete a C-PACE contractor application and attend an in-person contractor training.  Solar Energy International and Delta County Economic Development have partnered with the Colorado Energy Office to offer a free half-day workshop to meet the in-person training requirement.

The workshop will be held from 8:30 am to 12:00 pm on Thursday, March 9 at Solar Energy International’s classroom (138 Grand Ave., Paonia).  At the workshop, C-PACE experts will help contractors and project developers identify eligible projects, and prepare a proposal for an optimized project that includes C-PACE financing benefits.  “Join us on March 9 to put C-PACE financing in your tool bag, and start developing projects as a registered C-PACE contractor,” said Tracy Phillips, director of the C-PACE program.

In December 2016 Delta County became the twelfth county to opt-in to an agreement with the state’s New Energy Improvement District (NEID) to participate in Colorado’s C-PACE program.  PACE, which stands for Property Assessed Clean Energy, is an innovative financing model that enables building owners to fund 100% of the cost of energy efficiency, renewable energy, and water conservation improvements.  Owners repay the cost of eligible improvements through an assessment on their property tax bills.   Colorado C-PACE funding can help commercial properties pay not only for clean energy but also new heating and cooling systems, lighting improvements, water pumps, insulation, and other building improvements.

Utilizing C-PACE, owners repay the cost of eligible improvements over a period of up to 20 years through an additional charge (“assessment”) on their property tax bill.  The resulting energy savings typically outweigh the annual assessment payment, thereby enabling cash flow positive projects.  Because the assessment is tied to the property, the repayment obligation automatically transfers to the next owner if the property is sold.

PACE financing provides property owners a number of other benefits including: 100% financing, no out-of-pocket expense, long term loan (up to 20 years), lower energy costs, cash flow positive projects, no personal guarantees, competitive rates and terms, and the owner retains all tax incentives.  “Opting-in to C-PACE in Delta County opens the opportunity to increase businesses’ property value, save substantial money on their energy bills, while generating large local investments, both in our tax base and our infrastructure” stated DCED board member and local business owner, Tom Huerkamp.  The trickledown effect of C-PACE may include increased hiring of roofers, plumbers, and general contractors to locally complete projects.

Register for the training event on Thursday, March 9 HERE Contact Marla Korpar at 970-527-7657 x213 for more information.

Image:  Empowered Energy Systems installed 25 kW of solar PV on local business ProSpace Interiors of Delta during summer 2016 to 100% offset the building’s energy consumption.

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from Solar Training – Solar Installer Training – Solar PV Installation Training – Solar Energy Courses – Renewable Energy Education – NABCEP – Solar Energy International (SEI) http://www.solarenergy.org/calling-contractors-project-developers-c-pace-workshop-delta-county/

Sudanese Student Invigorates SEI’s Mission

It is stories like the one of Eissa Ali, that galvanize the work of SEI. Eissa is from Khartoum, Sudan where he and his wife are raising two children. His background is in electrical engineering and he’s built a career in the green building industry. He is a talented professional who will do great things with SEI’s solar training. He is also someone who would have been impacted by President Trump’s travel ban. From his first contact with SEI at the Intersolar Middle East conference in 2016, his passion for solar energy and vision for the future of his community have truly inspired the SEI staff. In the brief month’s we’ve known Eissa, he’s been an incredible reminder of the impact of SEI’s mission, especially in a changing political landscape.

Eissa, despite already employed in the sustainable building industry, was inspired to do more with solar energy and to make a shift in his career. He took a chance and committed to begin his solar training journey with SEI. Of his inspiration, Eissa said “I was working in the green building industry but it didn’t fulfill my passion for renewable energy, so I decided change my career… During the last six months I finished four courses with SEI, working toward a Solar Business & Technical Sales Certificate.

Though Eissa enrolled in his first SEI class in October he’s already doing great things! Through the connections of SEI staff, Eissa has begun an internship with Alsa Solar in Dubai, all while continuing his solar training. He also joined SEI Instructor, Kris Sutton and other SEI alumni at Solar Middle East earlier in February.

SEI is proud to have awarded Eissa the Walt Ratterman Scholarship for his next solar training class. Eissa exemplifies the goals of the Walt Ratterman Scholarship fund which is dedicated to helping individuals from developing country who aim to utilize SEI’s technical training in order to bring renewable energy technologies to their communities. In 2017, SEI has committed the Walt Ratterman scholarship fund specifically to people from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Libya, Yemen and Somalia, to refugees and displaced persons, and to people from the developing world who see renewable energy as hope for the future.

On his future plans, Eissa affirmed that “I believe Sudan is one of the countries in the world that has huge solar resources. I’m planning to start my own business in Sudan [applying my] renewable energy knowledge and its applications.” SEI is thrilled to be a part of Eissa’s journey into solar energy. We hope his story will inspire many others, because he’s certainly touched so many at SEI already.

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from Solar Training – Solar Installer Training – Solar PV Installation Training – Solar Energy Courses – Renewable Energy Education – NABCEP – Solar Energy International (SEI) http://www.solarenergy.org/sudanese-student-invigorates-seis-mission/

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Solar Energy International (SEI) Leads PV101 in the UAE!

Solar Energy International (SEI) launched their first solar training class in the United Arab Emirates on February 19th! Students from Saudi Arabia, Oman and the UAE came to the RAK Research and Innovation Center for this week long technical solar training led by SEI Instructor, Kristopher Sutton. SEI is grateful to the American University of Ras Al Khaimah (RAK) Research & Innovation Center where the class is taking place for their cooperation in facilitating this class. RAK is a great location for SEI students to have first hand experience with a wide range of PV systems as they begin their solar education.

The class, PV101, is your gateway to a career in the solar industry. It all starts with the fundamentals, and a solid understanding of various components, system architectures, and applications for PV systems. Other topics include site analysis, system sizing, array configuration, and performance estimation; electrical design characteristics such as wiring, overcurrent protection, and grounding; a detailed look at module and inverter specifications and characteristics; mounting methods for various roof structures and ground­mounts; and an introduction to safely and effectively commissioning grid­-direct PV systems. This course focuses on grid-­direct PV systems, the largest and fastest growing segment of the PV industry, but covers material critical to understanding all types of PV systems. These core concepts are expanded on in SEI’s upper ­level PV courses, which focus more specifically on particular system types, applications and design methodologies.


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Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Solar Energy International (SEI) responde a la Prohibición de Viajar (Travel Ban) de Estados Unidos con un Programa de Becas

A todos los Alumnos Internacionales de SEI, Futuros Estudiantes y Amigos:

Las acciones y anuncios hechos recientemente por la nueva administración de Estados Unidos sobre de la prohibición de viajar, la construcción de paredes en las fronteras,  han sido noticias muy perturbadoras para nosotros porque impactan directamente en la relación que construimos con ustedes. Ya que estas políticas continúan desarrollándose rápidamente, ciertamente entendemos que algunos de ustedes se encuentren preocupados por su impacto o que no puedan viajar a Estados Unidos.

Desde nuestra fundación en 1991, Solar Energy International (SEI) ha capacitado en energías renovables a personas de casi todos los países del mundo. Las energías renovables trascienden la políticas y los políticos. “Internacional” está en nuestro nombre por un motivo — porque nuestra misión es proveer capacitación líder en la industria y especialización en energías renovables para empoderar a las personas, comunidades y negocios en todo el mundo. Y nuestros más de 50,000 alumnos ya están teniendo un impacto global.

Las energías renovables no tienen fronteras y queremos que todos tengan acceso a este conocimiento para empoderar sus vidas y desarrollar sus pueblos, ciudades y países.

Vinieron a nosotros por una nueva carrera, como Mauricio G, de Colombia, Yassin de Turquía, Sherif M. de Egipto, Mahenboob M. de India, y Pamela C. de Chile.

Vinieron a nosotros para llevar energía a sus comunidades o países, como Abdra T. quién está volviendo a Nigeria con la determinación de incrementar las fuentes de energías renovables; y Jules K. quién recientemente inició una compañía fotovoltaica en Camerún con su primer proyecto de llevar energía a una población rural. O Moray H. quién ya está instalando un sistema solar en Sierra Leona y vino a nosotros para hacer crecer sus habilidades; o Stephen A. quién trabaja en un servicio público de Ghana que quiere agregar energía solar a su red.

Vinieron a nosotros para expandir su negocio, como Carlos A. de Tijuana, México quien es dueño de una empresa constructora que quiere agregar energía solar, o Ramzy M. de Honduras quien ahora posee una próspera compañía de FV.

Vinieron a nosotros para ayudar a combatir el cambio climático, como Jean-Pierre de Haití, quien ha experimentado personalmente el impacto del calentamiento global.

O podrían venir a nosotros porque sueñan con una nueva vida para ellos y sus familias, como Hassan G. de Sudán, o Hassan H., un refugiado Sirio. Con la nueva política, ambos serán excluidos de entrar a Estados Unidos, solamente por su país de origen. Y a pesar que  nosotros pudimos darles becas completas para nuestros cursos online, ya no tendrán la posibilidad de viajar a Estados Unidos para ser parte de nuestro entrenamiento práctico de nivel mundial.

Vale la pena contar la historia de Hassan H. Fuimos contactados por un alumno de SEI quien está trabajando como Técnico de Energías Renovables en Medecins Sans Frontieres MSF (Médicos Sin Fronteras). Nuestro alumno nos presentó a Hassam, quien estaba trabajando como su traductor en las clínicas móviles asistiendo a refugiados Sirios que estaban enfrentando problemas emocionales y físicos por la atrocidades que habían experimentado.

Hassan habla 4 lenguas diferentes y por su trabajo demuestra una naturaleza empática y muy adecuada hacia el trabajo humanitario. También está comprometido con el medio ambiente y posee conocimientos sobre electricidad que aprendió cuando era estudiante en la Universidad de Damasco. Hassan estaba interesado en los sistemas solares autónomos para instalar en el campamento en el que vive, por lo que le dimos una beca completa para dos clases fotovoltaicas (FV), nuestra PV101 (conocimientos básicos) y PV203 (sistemas basados en baterías). Recibimos la siguiente nota de Hassam:

“Quiero agradecerles mucho por la beca para los cursos online. Quiero compartir buenas noticias; pasé el exámen del curso fotovoltaico y obtuve una nota del 90%. Este curso de entrenamiento realmente fue el mejor conocimiento que estudié. Les prometo que siempre seguiré adelante tratando de proteger el medio ambiente y fomentando el uso de fuentes de energías limpias. MUCHAS GRACIAS, MI MAESTRO. MUCHAS GRACIAS, MI AMIGO”

Nuestro propósito y misión de ayudarlos, alumnos internacionales y futuros estudiantes, ¡es más fuerte que nunca! Les prometemos lo siguiente:

Estamos expandiendo nuestra oferta internacional y llevaremos las capacitaciones hacia ustedes.

En el 2017 ofreceremos capacitaciones en Los Emiratos Árabes (19 al 23 de Febrero de 2017), Perú, Costa Rica, Guam y Nigeria, con muchos otros países en etapas de planeamiento. Ofreceremos capacitaciones y conferencias en el Medio Oriente (Solar Middle East, 12 al 16 de Febrero), América Latina y esperamos en África.

A la personas de Irán, Irak, Siria, Libia, Yemen y Somalia, a los refugiados y personas desplazadas, y a todas las personas de los países en desarrollo quienes ven las energías renovables como esperanza para el futuro, les dedicamos nuestro Fondo de Beca Walt Ratterman para que puedan tomar nuestros cursos online o prácticos presenciales. Estamos activamente conectándonos con ONG internacionales y nuestra gran red de egresados y amigos para asegurarnos de alcanzar a las personas con mayores necesidades.

A nuestros amigos que tengan necesidad de una beca, los incentivamos a aplicar. Si conocen a alguien que pueda necesitarla, por favor envíen este link:

Aplicación para la beca >>

Por las acciones recientes del Presidente Trump, ya hemos juntado $32,350 de parte del staff, instructores y amigos de SEI para el Fondo de Beca Walt Ratterman. Walt fue una inspiración para muchos de nosotros. El viajó a algunos de los lugares más remotos y devastados por la guerra en el mundo llevando ayuda humanitaria, capacitando a las personas e instalando sistemas de energías renovables. Murió en el 2010 en el terremoto de Haití.

Nuestro objetivo es duplicar el fondo de beca de Walt para poder hacer un impacto en la vida de más de 150 personas. A nuestros alumnos y amigos que puedan donar, por favor consideren hacerlo para el fondo de beca Walt Ratterman:

¡Click Aquí para Donar Hoy!

A nuestros alumnos internacionales que están viajando a Colorado para las capacitaciones prácticas: les prometemos que se sentirán como parte de la familia aquí. Los cuidaremos, de la misma forma que lo hacemos con todos nuestros estudiantes. Les prometemos que haremos todo lo que podamos para que el proceso de viajar a Colorado sea los más fluido posible, desde obtener sus Visas, hasta arreglar el transporte hacia el campus y encontrar hospedaje. Sin importar de donde vengan o en lo que crean, son todos bienvenidos en nuestra especial comunidad de Paonia, Colorado.

Son bienvenidos en Solar Energy International (SEI).


El Staff de SEI e Instructores

Kathryn Swartz, Executive Director
Johnny Weiss, Co-Founder, retired
Michelle Amiott
Danny Bailey
Kyle Bolger
Chris Brooks
Brad Burkhartzmeyer
Laura Conchelos
Breccia Cressman
David Del Vecchio
Katie Delbaugh
Paulina Dunham
Gerald Espinosa
Kathy Fontaine, retired
Jess Finnigan
Philip H. Friedman
Gary Handelin
Matt Harris
Bill Hoffer
Thomas Honey
Rebekah Hren
Marla Korpar
Kelly Larson
Chuck Marken
Mary Marshall
Denise Massart
Kienan Maxfield
Brian Mehalic
Kyra Moore
Nick Mshar
Pete Mueller
Khanti Munro
Jack O’Donohue
Jay Peltz
Sandy Pickard
Jay Pozner
Garrison Riegal
Jeff Ruppert
Justine Sanchez
Steve Sefchick
Courtney Shaffer
Chris Smith
Kevin Sova
Mike Stangl
Josie Strutz
Faye Sullivan
Mike Sullivan
Kris Sutton
Orion Thornton
Chris Turek
Monique Turek
Joe Villacci
Laura Walters
Andrea Wang
Carol Weis
Eric Westerhoff
Will White
J.R. Whitley
Sarah Wilder
Lena Wilensky
Roger Williams
Vaughan Woodruff
Zeke Yewdall
Y muchos otros en la familia SEI.

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Monday, February 6, 2017

Solar Energy International (SEI) Responds to U.S. Travel Ban and Refugee Targeting with Scholarship Program

To SEI’s International Alumni, Future Students, and Friends,

The recent actions taken and announcements made by the new U.S. administration concerning travel bans, building border walls, and targeting refugees have been deeply upsetting to us because these actions directly impact our relationship with you. As the status of these policies are quickly evolving, we rightly understand that some of you may be anxious or unable to travel to the U.S.

Since our founding in 1991, Solar Energy International (SEI) has trained people from almost every country on earth in renewable energy. Renewable energy transcends politics and political parties. “International” is in our name for a reason—because our mission is to provide industry-leading training and expertise in renewable energy to empower people, communities and businesses worldwide. And our 50,000+ alumni are having a global impact.

Renewable energy does not have borders and we want you to have access to this knowledge to empower your lives and develop your villages, cities, and countries.

You come to us for a new career, like Mauricio G., from Colombia, Yassin from Turkey, Sherif M. from Egypt, Maheboob M. from India, and Pamela C. from Chile.

You come to us to power your community or country, like Abdra T., who is returning to Nigeria and is committed to increasing renewable energy; and Jules K., who recently started a PV company in Cameroon with his first project to power a rural village. Or Moray H., who is already installing solar systems in Sierra Leone and came to us to grow his skills; or Stephen A., who works with a utility in Ghana that wants to add solar to their grid.

You come to us to expand your business, like Carlos A. from Tijuana, Mexico who owns a construction company that wants to add solar, or Ramzy M. from Honduras who now has a thriving PV company.

You come to us to help combat global climate change, like Jean-Pierre from Haiti, who has personally experienced the impacts of global warming.

Or you may come to us because you’re dreaming of a new life for yourself and your family, like Hassan G. from Sudan, or Hassan H., a Syrian refuge. Under the current policy, both men would be excluded from entering the U.S. solely based on their country of origin. And while we were able to offer them full scholarships to our online courses, they no longer have the opportunity to travel to the U.S. to take part in our world-class, hands-on training.

It’s worth telling Hassan H’s story. We were contacted by an SEI alum who is working as a Renewable Energy Technician for Medecins Sans Frontieres MSF (Doctors Without Borders). Our alum introduced us to Hassan, who was serving as their translator at the mobile clinics serving Syrian refugees who were struggling emotionally and physically due to the atrocities that they had experienced.

Hassan speaks four different languages and given his work, demonstrates an empathetic nature well-suited to humanitarian work. He is also very environmentally conscious and has a good grasp of electricity from his time as a student at the University in Damascus. Hassan was interested in the off-grid, solar-powered systems for the camp in which he resides, thus we gave him a full scholarship for two photovoltaic (PV) classes, our PV101 (foundational knowledge) and PV203 (battery-based systems). We received the following note from Hassan:

“I want to thank you very much for the scholarships for the online courses. I want to tell a good piece of news; I passed the exam of the training course of photovoltaic and I got 90% grade. This training course really was the best knowledge that I have ever studied. I promise you I will always go on and try to protect the environment and encourage using the clean energy resources. THANK YOU VERY MUCH, MY TEACHER. THANK YOU VERY MUCH, MY FRIEND.”

Our resolve and our mission to serve you, our international alumni and future students, is stronger than ever before! We pledge to you the following:

We are expanding our international offerings and will bring the training to you.

In 2017, we will offer trainings in the United Arab Emirates (19-23 February 2017), Peru, Costa Rica, Guam, and Nigeria, with several other countries in the planning stages. We will be offering trainings at conferences in the Middle East (Solar Middle East, 12-16 February), Latin America, and hopefully Africa.

To people from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Libya, Yemen and Somalia, to refugees and displaced persons, and to people from the developing world who see renewable energy as hope for the future, we are dedicating our Walt Ratterman Scholarship Fund to you to take our online and/or hands-on courses. We are actively reaching out to international NGOs and our large network of alumni and friends to ensure that we are reaching the people most in need.

To our friends in need of this scholarship, we encourage you to apply! If you know of someone in need, please send this link to them.

Because of President Trump’s recent actions, we’ve already collected $32,350 for the Walt Ratterman Scholarship Fund from SEI staff, instructors, and friends. Walt was an inspiration to so many of us. He travelled to some of the most war-torn and remote places in the world bringing humanitarian aid, training people and installing renewable energy systems. He died in the 2010 Haiti earthquake.

Our goal is to double Walt’s scholarship fund so that we can impact the lives of more than 150 people. To our alumni and friends who are able to give, please consider donating to Walt’s Scholarship fund.

Click Here to Donate Today!

To our international students traveling to Colorado for hands-on trainings: we promise that you will feel like family when you’re here. We will take care of you, just as we do with all of our students. We promise to do our best to make the process of coming to Colorado as smooth as possible, from getting visas, to arranging transportation to the campus, and finding lodging. Regardless of where you come from or what you believe, you are all welcome in our special community of Paonia, Colorado.

You are welcome at Solar Energy International (SEI).


SEI Staff and Instructors

Kathryn Swartz, Executive Director
Johnny Weiss, Co-Founder, retired
Michelle Amiott
Danny Bailey
Kyle Bolger
Chris Brooks
Brad Burkhartzmeyer
Laura Conchelos
Breccia Cressman
David Del Vecchio
Katie Delbaugh
Paulina Dunham
Gerald Espinosa
Kathy Fontaine, retired
Jess Finnigan
Philip H. Friedman
Gary Handelin
Matt Harris
Bill Hoffer
Thomas Honey
Rebekah Hren
Marla Korpar
Kelly Larson
Chuck Marken
Mary Marshall
Denise Massart
Kienan Maxfield
Brian Mehalic
Kyra Moore
Nick Mshar
Pete Mueller
Khanti Munro
Jack O’Donohue
Jay Peltz
Sandy Pickard
Jay Pozner
Jeff Ruppert
Justine Sanchez
Steve Sefchick
Courtney Shaffer
Chris Smith
Kevin Sova
Mike Stangl
Josie Strutz
Faye Sullivan
Mike Sullivan
Kris Sutton
Orion Thornton
Chris Turek
Monique Turek
Joe Villacci
Laura Walters
Andrea Wang
Carol Weis
Eric Westerhoff
Will White
J.R. Whitley
Sarah Wilder
Lena Wilensky
Roger Williams
Vaughan Woodruff
Zeke Yewdall
And so many others in the SEI family.

The post Solar Energy International (SEI) Responds to U.S. Travel Ban and Refugee Targeting with Scholarship Program appeared first on Solar Training - Solar Installer Training - Solar PV Installation Training - Solar Energy Courses - Renewable Energy Education - NABCEP - Solar Energy International (SEI).

from Solar Training – Solar Installer Training – Solar PV Installation Training – Solar Energy Courses – Renewable Energy Education – NABCEP – Solar Energy International (SEI) http://www.solarenergy.org/solar-energy-international-sei-responds-u-s-travel-ban-refugee-targeting-scholarship-program/